Community Improvement Plans
A Community Improvement Plan (CIP) is a specific planning tool developed to focus municipal initiatives in identified areas in need of development and/or redevelopment. Adopting a CIP empowers the City to offer grants or loans to pay for the whole or any part of the cost of eligible development or redevelopment.
The Thunder Bay International Airport is recognised as being important to both the citizens and the economy of Thunder Bay and the region.
The Airport lands are approximately 345 hectares, or 850 acres in size. In 2003, these lands were designated by City Council as a Community Improvement Plan project area, as allowed under the Municipal and Planning Acts. The 2019 Airport Community Improvement Plan introduced the Airport Development Grant Program.
Airport Development Grant Program
This program allows the City to grant back to businesses all incremental increases in municipal property taxes resulting from new aerospace related development on Airport lands for up to 25 years. Aerospace-related is an adjective phrase that describes a use directly associated with or directly related to the operation of an airport
The total amount of municipal property tax increase rebates granted back cannot exceed the total value of all eligible development work, including any new buildings or structures.
The program is available to owners and tenants who submit their application by December 31, 2030.
How it works
- Prior to construction the assessment value is established.
- A grant is approved for eligible aerospace development. The total of the eligible costs for the development is the maximum amount the City may grant back to the property owner.
- After construction the property is re-assessed at a higher value. The amount of the annual grant is the difference in annual property taxes due to the increased assessment value.
The above is a simplified overview. For complete information download the 2019 Airport Community Improvement Plan. |
Eligibility criteria
To qualify, property owners or tenants must satisfy the following conditions:
- The property must be located within the boundaries of the Airport Community Improvement Plan project area.
- Prior to making an application for financial incentives, pre-consultation with Planning Services and other City staff is required.
- Applicants are required to submit a complete application to Planning Services describing (in detail) the development, redevelopment or adaptive reuse that is planned.
- Applications must be submitted prior to commencement of any eligible works being undertaken.
- Property taxes must be in good standing at the time of application and at the end of each year during the grant period.
- Proposals must demonstrate to the satisfaction of the City (i.e. by business plan or other means) that it will provide a measurable public benefit.
- All work approved under the grant program must conform to all Provincial laws, municipal by-laws, policies, procedures, standards and guidelines, including applicable Official Plan and Zoning By-law requirements. This is includes a requirement for a municipal building permit.
- Applicants approved for the grant program will be required to complete the approved works within time frames agreed to by the City
- Proof of actual costs associated with the rehabilitation or development of lands and buildings must be submitted to Planning Services.
Eligible costs
Eligible development costs include:
- Environmental site assessment
- Environmental remediation
- Demolition and removal of debris
- Site preparation including construction or improvement of on-site public works, e.g., water services, sanitary and storm sewers
- Construction
How to apply
To be considered for a grant under this program, any property owner or tenant can contact Planning Services to set up a Pre-Consultation meeting.