EarthCare Thunder Bay has been a platform for bringing people together around issues of sustainability, climate change and the low-carbon future since 2007.
EarthCare has a unique governance model that drives success by embedding it internally within the Corporation of the City of Thunder Bay, and externally across the broader community.
Working groups
The Working Groups provide a point of entry to participate and create a sustainable and resilient future for Thunder Bay. Working groups work directly with City staff and have the ability to advise Council through the EarthCare Advisory Committee of Council. Thus, working group members are able to help guide the City of Thunder Bay's on-the-ground work (administration and operations) and decision-making for long-term planning.
Working Groups:
- Take action to implement the EarthCare Sustainability Plan 2014-2020,
- Build capacity by connecting different individuals, organizations, and government agencies to form partnerships that enable action,
- Learn from one another on best practices,
- Work collaboratively to apply for funding and take on projects,
- Leverage the Sustainability Plan to guide the City's Administrators/Councillors in fulfilling the EarthCare mission.
EarthCare has Working Groups made up of a variety of stakeholders from across the community representing all sectors: residential, commercial, industrial, and institutional. All meetings are open to the public, and you are always welcome. Not all working groups are currently active, please contact the Sustainability Coordinator to find out when and which meetings are happening.
The citizens that make up the working groups are the backbone of EarthCare. It is the working groups who developed relevant sections of the most recent EarthCare Sustainability Plan 2014-2020 , based on their interests and expertise and in consultation with the broader community. Most of the working groups came together under the EarthCare banner and have been collaborating since 2007, or even earlier in some cases.
Each working group has an overarching goal with objectives and recommended actions to achieve this goal. Each action is categorized into one of two categories: the Corporation of the City of Thunder Bay, or the Community, depending on who is responsible for carrying out the action. The working group members work hard in collaboration with each other, the City of Thunder Bay and EarthCare Community Partners to implement their recommended actions. Every year, each working group picks at least one action to realize, which can vary from carrying out an awareness campaign to physically building a rain garden.
While the goals and objectives envisioned in the Sustainability Plan are implemented, everyone in the community is invited to participate and provide feedback. EarthCare working group meetings are open to the public, and new participants are always welcome.
City staff
The Sustainability Coordinator guides the implementation of the Sustainability Plan, helps the Working Group Chairs with administration, acts as a liaison with the EarthCare Advisory Committee and is the link between the community and City administration.
The Climate Adaptation Coordinator leads the community and the City of Thunder Bay in implementing the Climate Adaptation Strategy.
Advisory committee
The EarthCare Advisory Committee (EAC) of Council guides EarthCare and the implementation of the EarthCare Sustainability Plan 2014-2020. These champions are integral in maintaining the momentum of EarthCare. They meet monthly, and their minutes are reviewed by City Council on a regular basis. On the EAC Committee are two City Councillors, four members of City administration, and six citizen appointees.
Current EAC Members:
- Councillor Andrew Foulds (Chair), City of Thunder Bay
- Shannon Costigan (Vice-Chair), Citizen
- Sandra Stiles, Citizen
- Jane Todd, Citizen
- Margaret Wanlin, Citizen
- Courtney Strutt, Citizen
- William Vander Ploeg, Citizen
- Michelle Warywoda, City of Thunder Bay Environment Division Manager
- Amy Coomes, Sustainability Coordinator
- Jacob Porter, Climate Adaptation Coordinator
- Lynae Grace, Administrative Assistant - Environment
Interested in getting involved?
Attend a monthly EarthCare Advisory Committee meeting! Contact for an up-to-date schedule as meeting schedules are subject to change. Meetings are typically held at 4 pm on the first Tuesday of every month (except for July, August and December) virtually.
Add your voice and make a difference. When vacancies arise you are welcome to apply.
EarthCare brings people together for meaningful conversations surrounding creating a healthy environment.
Be part of the many amazing committed people in this community that see the city's potential, and want to be part of the change to create a more sustainable and healthy Thunder Bay.
The incremental improvements we make are essential. Things like recycling and riding our bikes to work are incredibly important lifestyle changes that do add up. But at the core, the deeper level of change happens by bringing people together to shift the status quo, and change policy to reflect the better tomorrow we envision for our built and natural environment.
Part of what makes EarthCare so effective in its mission is its partnership with the citizens of Thunder Bay. This unique relationship gives EarthCare its ingenuity, strength, and platform for making real change in the community.
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