The community’s need for an indoor turf facility was identified in the Recreation and Facilities Master Plan. Recognition of the community’s need for access to indoor turf and Council’s desire to respond to the need has been supported through various corporate reports and Council resolutions since 2017.

Proposed plans

In June 2019, Council approved in principle the development of an indoor multi-use sports facility to be constructed at Chapples Park.  The proposed building program was to include:

  • provision of an indoor synthetic turf multi-purpose playing surface to FIFA Quality standard approximating or larger than 58m x 95m
  • Minimum height clearance of 12.19m (40 ft.).
  • 2 lane walking/running track (>318m)
  • Accessible washrooms
  • Referee change rooms
  • User group change rooms
  • Administrative space
  • Spectator capacity (900)
  • Storage.

Through a Request for Proposal process, the City engaged a prime consultant to support the completion of necessary site development studies and detailed design.  In July 2020, Council directed Administration to proceed with the development of the tender package based on an estimated capital cost of $33.6M +/-10-15% (Class B estimate) and an approved project financing approach that was based on existing City reserve funds (54%) and a special debenture (46%). 

In March 2021, based on the results of a tender of construction, Council did not approve the award of the contract for construction. In June 2021, Council directed Administration through an Expression of Interest process to solicit potential interest from third parties to respond to the community’s demand for indoor turf in the short and/or long term.  In addition, Council has supported various external funding opportunities to advance the project.

2023 Update

In December 2022, in response to a deputation by Soccer Northwest Ontario, Council directed Administration to explore the feasibility of a new facility concept to be located on City parkland adjacent to the Thunder Bay Community Auditorium and Port Arthur Recreation Hub.

A report to Council is expected September 2023.

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