A young child playing with a bear in a black and white photo

Title: Chippewa Park Zoo
Date: [1945-1955]
Creator: Unknown
Description: An unidentified woman feeds a black bear named Teddy. 
Note: The photograph was edited in the processing stage; a white border appears around the woman and the bear.
Series: 121, Fort William Parks & Recreation Files
Accession: 1996-2-55
Location: P0014

Groups of people walking past animal enclosures

Title: Chippewa Park Zoo
Date: [1966-1969]
Creator: Unknown
Description: Children walk the perimeter of the Chippewa Park Zoo, circa 1966.
Series: 121, Fort William Parks & Recreation Files Accession: 1996-72-79
Location: P009

A bald eagle standing on the ground looking up from its enclosure at a person

Title: An Eye For Beauty, Too!
Date: May 16, 1973
Creator: Unknown
Description: President Johnson, an eagle at Chippewa Zoo, watches a young woman.
Series: 156, Thunder Bay Central Files
Location: TBA 5248-42      

A bear resting in its enclosure in a black and white news photo

Title: Who set the alarm clock?
Date: Unknown
Creator: News-Chronicle
Description: The bears, John and Jim, seemed comfortable lazing around. Meanwhile, the Parks and Recreation Department was busy planning the Chippewa Park Canada Day celebrations.
Series: 156, Thunder Bay Central Files
Location: TBA 5248-42

A handwritten letter with a picture of a bear drawn beside an enclosure

Title: Letter from Randy
Date: September 13, 1974
Creator: Randy
Description: Randy, a student in grade three, is concerned with municipal affairs and the state of the Chippewa Park Zoo. He demands a response from Mayor Walter Assef outlining the City's strategic plan for the Zoo.
Series: 117, Thunder Bay City Clerk's Files
Location: TBA 4709-14

A typed document on pink paper details a report of Chippewa Park

Title: Corporation of the City of Thunder Bay Resolution Re: Report No. 477/75 (Parks and Recreation) - Chippewa Park Wildlife Exhibit - Bear Enclosure.
Date: September 8, 1975
Creator: Thunder Bay City Council
Description: Mayor Assef responded to Randy's Grade Three class. A new zoo location was already being surveyed, and this report on the construction of a new Bear Enclosure was released in 1975. Ultimately, City Council agreed to continue constructing the expanded Bear Enclosure.
Series: 117, Thunder Bay City Clerk's Files
Location: TBA 4709-14   

A handwritten document shows a list of words with X's beside them

Title: Chippewa Game Farm Research - Habitats
Date: September 28, 1973
Creator: A.A. Salo, Parks and Recreation Department, City of Thunder Bay
Description: The chart uniquely aligns animals in the zoo with their natural habitats. This document was used in planning of the new location and layout of the zoo.
Series: 156, Thunder Bay Central Files
Location: TBA 5248-42 

A hand drawn map laying out the view of the park with writing around

Title: Chippewa Wild Game Farm Proposal "A"
Date: September 28, 1973
Creator: Parks and Recreation Department, City of Thunder Bay
Description: This proposal shows one potential layout for the new, expanded zoo.
Series: 156, Thunder Bay Central Files
Location: TBA 5248-42

A typed official document done on white paper with black ink

Title: Department of the Environment - Canadian Wildlife Service Re: Application to possess Migratory Birds
Date: December 17, 1975
Creator: J. Rollason, Parks and Recreation Department, City of Thunder Bay
Description: A Great Horned Owl, a Bald Eagle, and a [Red-Tailed?] Hawk are residents at Chippewa Zoo.
Series: 156, Thunder Bay Central Files
Location: TBA 5248-42

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