The City of Thunder Bay’s Departments and Divisions operate under the leadership of the City Manager. The City Manager reports to City Council and implements the priorities and strategic initiatives approved by Council. A General Manager leads each Department.

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You can also download our PDF listing of City contacts which contains further details and City contacts organized alphabetically by topic. 

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About City Departments

City Manager's Office

The City Manager handles the administration of the City's four Departments. They develop corporate policy and provide advice to City Council about City organization and operating procedure. The City Manager also acts as department head for their divisions.

Strategic Initiatives & Engagement

Strategic Initiatives & Engagement manages strategy, corporate communications and public engagement. They ensure consistency with the corporate vision, corporate identity and the role of municipal government. A key area of responsibility is the development and communication of the Corporate Strategic Plan. Sections include Corporate Communications & Community Engagement, Indigenous Relations, Community Strategies, the Sustainability Coordinator and Internal Audit & Continuous Improvement.

Corporate Communications & Community Engagement connects media with City spokespersons, gathers input on current City projects and keeps you informed of City news. Indigenous Relations works within the Corporation to raise awareness and understanding of the cultural protocols involved in engaging with and serving the Indigenous community. The section also plays a lead role in establishing relationships with those organizations, agencies and groups representing and serving Indigenous communities within the City. 

The Indigenous Relations Office aims to enhance its relationship with Indigenous partners and Communities, while advancing Indigenous Peoples’ inclusion in the City’s opportunities and growth. One of the Office’s main priorities is delivering cultural awareness training to strengthen the Corporation’s capacity to work more effectively with Indigenous Peoples, as well as advising and providing liaison support to City staff to advance reconciliation.

Internal Audit & Continuous Improvement provides independent and objective assurance to the City of Thunder Bay’s Audit Committee regarding internal control, compliance, risk management and governance using a systematic and disciplined approach. It conducts internal audits, recommends improvements, as well as leads benchmark and performance measurement initiatives such as MBNCanada Performance Measurement Report (MBNCanada) and the BMA Municipal Study.  

The Community Strategies section is responsible for leadership, technical expertise and coordination of intersectoral community-based strategic initiatives aimed at improving population health.

Office of the City Clerk

The Office of the City Clerk ensures that we meet the administrative and legislative requirements necessary for a City Council and a Municipal Corporation to function. The Office of the City Clerk also encompasses Records Management/Archives.

City Solicitor & Corporate Counsel

The City Solicitor & Corporate Counsel Office, which includes the City Solicitor and the Legal Services Division, provide legal representation for the City, City Council, staff and related boards and agencies. They help with matters relating to the City's business and operations. The Legal Services Division handles corporate risk management for the City. 

Human Resources & Corporate Safety

Human Resources & Corporate Safety recruits and selects new employees for our organization. They create strategic planning services that enhance organizational productivity, foster a positive labour relations climate, and provide oversight of work-related health and safety issues.

Community Services

Community Services enriches our community's quality of life by providing a balance of social, cultural, recreation and sports services, facilities, and transit services. They provide their services in a cost effective, fair and accessible manner.

Recreation & Culture

The Recreation & Culture division provides engaging services and opportunities that everyone can access. They focus on creating benefits that are far reaching and long term for both individuals and the community. They ensure positive opportunities and participation, and work to enhance the quality of life and access to opportunities for people with disabilities.

Child Care Centres

Four city-run child care centres operate throughout Thunder Bay. 

Facilities, Fleet & Energy Management

Facilities, Fleet & Energy Management division safeguards municipal assets through fiscal responsibility, due diligence and risk management. They manage energy with a focus on efficiency. They promote and support a culture of constant improvement and lead in new and emerging technology.

Transit Services

Transit Services provides safe, reliable, economical, and eco-friendly transit across our City. Operating with a fleet of 48 buses on 17 routes, they're one of the best ways to get around in Thunder Bay.

Central Support Services

Central Support Services division provides financial, administrative, and customer support services to the Community Services Department's divisions effectively and efficiently.

Pioneer Ridge, Long Term Care & Senior Services

Pioneer Ridge Long Term Care & Senior Services is a City of Thunder Bay home that operates along with Meals on Wheels and Jasper Place Support Services Program. It provides nursing care, nutrition and food services, housekeeping and maintenance, laundry services, and therapeutic recreation. Pioneer Ridge is committed to the journey towards excellence in care and services to the residents that live here, by embracing a relationship centered philosophy where every relationship is significant, appreciated and involved. Their professional and caring staff members work together to build a culture that supports passion, innovation, collaboration and best practices.

Corporate Services

The Corporate Services Department provides innovative leadership, expertise and customer-centred support including:

  • Effective control measures for the protection of the City’s assets and resources
  • Maintenance of the City’s accounts
  • Financial planning, fiscal policy recommendations, budgeting, and debt administration
  • Acquisition of materials, supplies, and services for all City departments
  • Innovative municipal information technology services
  • Bill and collect Municipal taxes, water, and sewer
  • Administration of Provincial Land Tax, and Provincial Offences Courts
  • Performance measurement, benchmarking, and internal audits

Financial Services

The Financial Services Division provides financial services such as banking, accounting, investments, debt analysis, and accounts payable. It is responsible for the City’s capital and operating budgets, consolidated financial statements the procurement of goods and services, and disposal of surplus goods.  Also, the Division operates stores facilities, weigh scales, refuelling facilities, courier services, graphics, printing and duplicating for all City departments.


The Revenue Division is responsible for the billing and collection of taxes, water and sewer, corporate general accounts receivables, and revenue payment processing.  It is also responsible for provision of Provincial Land Tax Administration on behalf of the Province of Ontario, and also operation and management of the Provincial Offences Courts in the district including court room support and related administration, and collection of fines.

Superior North Emergency Medical Services

Superior North Emergency Medical Services and their paramedics provide emergency medical service across every community and unorganized area in the District of Thunder Bay. 

Licensing & Enforcement

Licensing and Enforcement follows the direction of City Council and their established by-laws and policies. They handle proper licensing and enforcement of Thunder Bay's by-laws.

Parking Authority

The Parking Authority operates our parking lots and structures and metered on-street parking. Their parking enforcement ensures effective traffic flow, quick street maintenance, and parking turnover and convenience.

Corporate Information Technology

The Corporate Information Technology Division (CIT) provides information technology services to assist City departments with the delivery of municipal services.   CIT maintains a robust, secure computing and data management infrastructure.  They work closely with corporate clients to identify, develop, integrate and support various business applications and solutions.


Infrastructure, Development & Operations

The Infrastructure & Operations department plans, operates and maintains the infrastructure in the City of Thunder Bay. This includes:

  • Roads and bridges
  • Street lighting
  • Traffic control
  • Water supply
  • Water distribution
  • Waste reduction and recycling, including collection and disposal
  • Sewage collection and treatment
  • Drainage
  • Park operation and maintenance
  • Administrative functions

Central Support

The Central Support division manages the financial and budget process for the Infrastructure & Operations Department. They provide support services such as records management and technology transfer. 

Development Services

The Development Services section focuses on safety and development initiatives that attract investors to the community. They also run regulatory functions that maintain quality of life and make our community attractive to residents, visitors and investors. 


Building Services

The Building Services section provides construction-related information and guidance. They enforce the Ontario Building Code and review construction plans prior to issuing building permits and inspecting construction projects. They also enact charges when compliance is not followed.


Planning Services

The Planning Services division provides planning-related information and guidance. They are responsible for land-use planning, which includes updating and amending the Official Plan and Zoning By-law. They also process subdivision and condominium applications and handle different development and planning agreements.


Realty Services

The Realty Services division manages the City's property holdings. They acquire and develop property, handle sales and leases, and run public street and lane transactions.

Engineering & Operations 

The Engineering & Operations division handles planning, design, construction supervision and records management for

  • storm drainage systems;
  • sanitary sewage collection and treatment;
  • water supply, treatment and distribution; and
  • roads and bridges.

Access engineering resources, standards and more. 



The Roads section maintains, inspects and repairs bridges and roads, sidewalks, drainage systems, traffic control signals and streetlights within the City. They also provide winter maintenance, including snow plowing and snow removal, and sanding and salting.

Parks & Open Spaces

The Parks & Open Spaces section plans, designs, develops, operates, and maintains over 1,600 acres of our park facilities.


The Environment & Operations division delivers our water, waste water, and solid waste and recycling services.


Water and Waste Water

Our Water and Waste Water sections are committed to protecting the integrity of Lake Superior. They provide innovative and cost-effective ways to sustain and manage our water.


Solid Waste and Recycling

The Solid Waste & Recycling Services section handles all aspects of waste management, including waste collection, recycling, disposal, program planning, and promotion. They also provide education for the City's residential, institutional, commercial and industrial sectors.

Thunder Bay Fire Rescue

Thunder Bay Fire Rescue provides the City and region with highly trained services that can handle a range of emergencies and hazardous situations.

Affiliated Boards & Commissions

  • Lakehead Region Conservation Authority
  • Thunder Bay Community Economic Development Commission & Tourism Thunder Bay
  • Parking Authority Board
  • TBayTel Municipal Service Board
  • The District of Thunder Bay Social Services Administration Board
  • Thunder Bay Community Auditorium Board
  • Thunder Bay District Health Unit Board of Health
  • Thunder Bay Police Services Board
  • Thunder Bay Hydro Corporation Board
  • Thunder Bay Hydro Electricity Distribution Inc. Board
  • Thunder Bay Public Library Board
  • Victoriaville Board of Management

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