How to attend in-person and virtual court proceedings
The Court Services Office and counter service is open to the general public and agencies – regular business hours of 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday to Friday (excluding holidays).
- Zoom Meeting: For the Zoom Link, please use the following Zoom Meeting link.
- Zoom ID: 916 7465 7712
- Passcode: 098285
- By telephone: Canada Toll-free -1(855) 703-8985. If this number is not available, please call 1(833) 955-1088 to connect to the courts. Press *6 to unmute.
- In-person location for all Thunder Bay and District courts:
- When prompted, enter the 10 digit meeting ID (916 7465 7712) followed by #, press # for participate code, enter meeting passcode (098285) followed by #.
- To connect to this court proceeding, you will need a phone or computer.
- Please contact the court office for questions about connecting to the court appearance.
Guide to remote hearing by ZOOM
If you are unable to connect by Zoom video (e.g., you do not have a phone) or would like to request a disability-related assistance or accommodation please contact the court office prior to your court appearance or email
Presenting exhibits in court:
If there are documents (exhibits) that you would like all participants to view, you will be required to submit the documents by email to at least 2 days before your trial date. Documents sent by email must be no larger than 10MB in file size.
- Please include the following as your email subject line: Court Documents - Your trial date & time - Offence # - Name of defendant (e.g. Court documents - April 1@10:30 - 8930873F - Jane Doe).
For documents or video evidence with a file size larger than 10MB, please upload these using our File Upload Form, as they are too large for email. Accepted file formats are PDF, JPG, MOV, AVI, and MP4. For files with a file size under 10MB, please email them as instructed above.
Upload documents and videos with a file size larger than 10MB on the File Upload Form here.
In-Person Trials
IMPORTANT TO NOTE: When exercising Option 3 - either indicate on the back of your offence notice, by your signature, or complete and send in the “Remote Appearance Request” form along with your signed Offence Notice , if you are requesting your attendance at trial to be by virtual platform (by Zoom).
If you wish to exercise Option #1 (Plea of Guilty – voluntary payment of total payable), you may pay your fine online at the Pay Tickets website, or by calling the office at (807) 625-2999 to pay by credit card over the phone, or mail a cheque to the address indicated on the back of your ticket.
Option #2 - Pleading Guilty with Submissions to Penalty - Please call (807) 625-2999, and an audio teleconference appointment will be scheduled for you to speak to the Justice of the Peace.
Option #3 - Trial - Sign the back of your ticket - Please indicate, by your signature, if you wish to attend court in-person or by virtual trial. The Ontario Court of Justice will accept electronically signed documents where a signature is required. If your address has changed, please indicate your new address under your signature. For example, you may type your name as the signature. You can submit your trial request by email to or send it by fax, mail or drop off at the Court Services counter.
Remote hearings by ZOOM video conference
Your virtual appearance will proceed remotely by Zoom video conferencing.
The defendant will receive notice of the trial date from the court office (Notice of Trial). Please ensure your contact information is up to date with the court office where your matter is being heard. On the Notice of Trial is the Zoom video conferencing information to connect to the court.
If you have received notice of a Zoom video court appearance and you are unable to connect (e.g., if you do not have the appropriate technology or would like to request a disability-related accommodation), please contact the court office.
If you have any questions about the scheduling of your Provincial Offences Act offence, please contact the Thunder Bay court services at (807) 625-2999 or
How to pay your fine if your licence is suspended:
- You can visit a Service Ontario office or Service Ontario website to pay your fine and reinstatement fee.
- If your licence is not under suspension payment can be made at the Pay Tickets website or calling (807) 625-2999.
This general information is provided for your assistance only. For specific information refer to the Provincial Offences Act or obtain legal advice.
What is POA?
The Provincial Offences Act (POA) is a procedural law for administering and prosecuting Provincial Offences including those committed under the Highway Traffic Act, the Compulsory Automobile Insurance Act, the Trespass to Property Act, the Liquor Licence Act and other provincial legislation, municipal by-laws and minor federal offences. The POA governs all aspects of the legal prosecution process, from serving an offence notice to an accused person to conducting trials including sentencing and appeals.
In administering the Provincial Offences Act (POA) Courts, the City of Thunder Bay's court staff are responsible for scheduling trials, prosecuting certain Provincial Offence matters, recording court proceedings, and receiving fine payments resulting from charges laid by the various police forces and enforcement agencies operating within the District. The City of Thunder Bay upholds the decisions of the court by pursuing collection of unpaid Provincial Offence fines.
This general information is provided for your assistance only. For specific information refer to the Provincial Offences Act or obtain legal advice.
Guide to defendant - Provincial Offences CourtGuide to Appeals in POA
- 2025 Satellite Court Sittings - Thunder Bay District
- 2025 Provincial Offences Court Schedule - City of Thunder Bay
Court Location: 105-1265 Arthur St E, Thunder Bay, ON P7E 5H7
Administration Office: 105-1265 Arthur St E, Thunder Bay, ON P7E 5H7
Hours of operation
8:30am - 4:30pm Monday to Friday (excluding holidays)
General Inquiries
Telephone: (807) 625-2999
Fax: (807) 623-7751
Payment of fines
Payment is accepted in person or by mail in the form of Visa, MasterCard, debit, cash, cheque or money order payable to the City of Thunder Bay.
Online payments (Visa or MasterCard only) accepted at the Pay Tickets website.
(Ce document est également disponible en français)
- Application for Adjournment - English
- Demande d’ajournement – Français
- Affidavit in Support of a Request for Reopening - English
- Affidavit à l’appui d’une demande de réouverture – Français
- Form 3 - Replacement of Missing Offence Notice - English
- Formulaire 3 – Remplacement de documents manquants – Français
- Motion for Extension of Time to Pay Fine - English, and Payment Schedule
Requête en prorogation du délai de paiement – Français, et Cédule pour plan de paiement
- Notice to Appeal - Part 1 (ticket) - English
- Avis d’appel – Partie 1 – Contravention-(Billet) – Français
- Notice to Appeal - Part 3 (Information) - English
- Avis d’appel – Partie 3 – (Dénonciation) – Français
- Remote Appearance Request - English
- Demande de comparution à distance – Français
- Transcript Order Form - English
- Formulaire de commande de transcription – Français
Online ticket status
Check the status of your ticket
Vérifier l’état d’une contravention ou d’une amende
Municipal Prosecutor’s Office - by appointment only
Telephone: 807-625-2413
Location: 500 Donald St E, 1st Floor
Thunder Bay, ON P7C 5K4
You have a right to receive all relevant evidence the Prosecutor has, including officer notes, witness statements, and/or collision reports, if applicable. You can obtain disclosure by filling out and sending it to the Municipal Prosecutor’s office the Request for Disclosure form.
Frequently asked questions
What are Provincial Offences? |
Non-criminal offences including (but not limited to):
What do Provincial Offences Courts do? |
Do I need a lawyer to appear in Provincial Offences Court? Can I get Legal Aid? |
You do not require a lawyer to appear in Provincial Offences Court. Legal Aid is generally not given for Provincial Offences matters. Contact your local Legal Aid Office to confirm your eligibility. See Guide for Defendants for more information. |
Who can issue Provincial Offence notices or tickets? |
There are many enforcement agencies in the Thunder Bay District that can issue you a ticket. These agencies include:
What are the different types of Provincial Offence notices? |
There are three different types of Provincial Offence notices:
What does it mean when I receive a ticket (Part 1 offence) with a court date written on the bottom of my ticket but no fine amount? |
When there is no set fine amount written on the ticket, you must appear in court at the time and date assigned. If you do not attend, a trial may be held in your absence. You will not receive any further notice. |
What options do I have if I receive a ticket? |
Most Provincial Offence charges result in out-of-court payments. Citizens who are issued Provincial Offence tickets should read them carefully for a complete list of their payment and trial options. Option 1, Plea of Guilty - Payment Out of Court By choosing this option, you are stating that you are guilty and you must pay the total payable at the bottom of your ticket. You can pay the fine either in person or by mail at any Provincial Offences Court location in the Province of Ontario. Cheques should be made payable to the City of Thunder Bay. Option 2, Plead Guilty with Submission as to Penalty By choosing this option, which is also known as a "walk-in plea of guilty," you are stating that you are guilty but will provide submission as to penalty (ability to pay fine or more time to pay). You must call the Provincial Offences Court office indicated on your ticket to make an appointment with the Justice of the Peace. Option 3, Trial Option (Not guilty) If you wish to plead not guilty you must sign your name under Option 3 on the back of the ticket as well as note any change to your address. You can either mail it, email it, or drop it off at the Provincial Offences Court office indicated on the back of your ticket. You will receive a Notice of Trial in the mail. If you do not receive a Notice of Trial in 3-4 weeks, contact the Provincial Offences Court office to confirm the status, or you can view your status through the online lookup. NOTE: You have 15 days from receipt of an offence notice to exercise one of the above noted options. If you fail to respond you will be deemed not to dispute the charge. |
How do I make a complaint? |
If the complaint is concerning the conduct of a Justice of the Peace, please contact the Justice of the Peace Review Council. If the complaint is concerning the conduct of the prosecutor, you must provide your complaint in writing to: City Solicitor Corporate Services City of Thunder Bay PO Box 800, 500 Donald Street E, Thunder Bay ON, P7E 5V3 If the complaint is concerning the conduct of Court Administration staff, you must provide your complaint in writing to: Supervisor, Court Services City of Thunder Bay PO Box 1600, 105-1265 Arthur St E, Thunder Bay ON, P7E 5H7 |
I'm from out of town but want to exercise option #2 (Walk-in Guilty Plea) or Option #3 (Trial Option), can I attend at the courthouse where I live? |
What happens if I don't do anything after I have received a ticket? |
The charge will be placed on a Fail to Respond docket and a Clerk of the Court will review the Certificate of Offence and may convict you in your absence. Once you have been convicted it is too late to choose any of the options indicated on the back of your ticket. |
Why are there two amounts on my ticket? |
At the bottom of every ticket there are two different amounts shown: the set fine and the total payable. The difference between these two amounts is called the Victim Fine Surcharge and costs which are imposed by the provincial government. The amount of the Victim Fine Surcharge is based on a sliding scale depending on the amount of the fine and is added to every fine that is given under the Provincial Offences Act. Proceeds from the surcharge are used to maintain assistance programs to victims of crime. |
Can I pay my fine over the phone using my credit card? |
Yes - we can accept credit card payment over the phone. |
Will I be able to pay a parking ticket at a Provincial Offences court? |
No. Municipal parking tickets must be paid at the Parking Authority Office located in Victoriaville Mall. |
Can I serve jail time rather than paying my outstanding fines? |
No. Serving time in jail is not an option. |
What if I need more time to pay a Provincial Offence fine? |
If you need more time to pay your fine, contact the Court Services office and complete the prescribed form for an Extension of Time to Pay the Fine. Once completed and returned to our office, the form will be submitted for review. It is your responsibility to contact our office within 1 week of filing the application to obtain the decision of the court. |
What are the repercussions if I neglect to pay my fines? |
My licence was suspended and I have been granted an extension of time to pay the fine - Will my licence be reinstated? |
Notification will be given to the Ministry of Transportation to remove the suspension status from your driver's licence. The Ministry of Transportation will determine if your licence will be reinstated. You will be responsible to pay the required reinstatement fee to the Ministry of Transportation. NOTE: Other outstanding matters may result in your licence remaining suspended. |
I have a trial notice scheduled and I can't attend. What should I do? |
Well in advance of the actual trial date, contact the Court Office where the trial is scheduled. A request to adjourn your matter to another court date requires an Application for Adjournment Form which can be obtained from the Court Services Office. The form is required to be completed, signed and filed with our office as well as the Prosecutor's Office. |
What is disclosure? |
Disclosure is a procedure whereby the defendant is provided with copies of all evidentiary documentation which will be used by the Prosecutor at your trial. |
How do I obtain disclosure? |
Attend the Prosecutor's Office, 500 Donald St E, 1st Floor, Thunder Bay ON P7C 5K4 and complete a Request for Disclosure form. To avoid any inconvenience to you, you should apply for disclosure as soon as possible after you have received your Notice of Trial. |
What happens if I am found guilty? |
You will be convicted of the charge. Your conviction could include a fine, probation, court order, By-law related order, licence suspension, imprisonment or any combination thereof. |
If I am found guilty, will I receive any notification in the mail? |
You should receive a document entitled Notice of Fine and Due Date. However, if you do not receive this document, you are still responsible to pay the fine within the time period granted by the Court. |
I did not receive my Notice of Trial in the mail and now I have been convicted - what can I do? |
You must contact the Court Services Office, 105-1265 Arthur St E, to obtain details and forms regarding a re-opening or an appeal, or see the Forms listed on this page. |
How do I file an appeal of the court decision? |
You must file a Notice of Appeal on Part 1 and Part 3 matters within 30 days of the conviction date. For a Part 1 matter, the fine must be paid in full or an Application to File an Appeal without Paying the Fine must also be completed when filing the Notice of Appeal. If you are past the allotted time frame, you may also complete an Extension of Time to Appeal. A Provincial Judge must grant both the applications prior to the appeal being heard. |
How many demerit points will I receive once I am convicted of this charge? |
Demerit points are administered by the Ministry of Transportation. Therefore, please contact one of the local Service Ontario offices. |
How can I receive more information about the current status of my driving record? |
All driving record information is maintained and administered by the Ministry of Transportation, and more information can be obtained by contacting one of the local Service Ontario offices. |
My licence has been suspended, what should I do now? |
Contact your local Court Services Office to determine if there are any outstanding fines. All outstanding fines that are suspending your license can be paid at a Service Ontario location or at a Court Office. A reinstatement fee may be applicable at Service Ontario. If you are certain that you have no outstanding fines, contact the Ministry of Transportation, Driver Control Division at 1-800-387-3445. |
I changed my address with the Ministry of Transportation, why was my notice not sent to my address? |
The Provincial Offence Court database is not linked to the Ministry of Transportation database; therefore address changes made with the Ministry of Transportation are not on record with any Provincial Offences Court offices. |
If you require a PDF in an accessible format, contact our Municipal Accessibility Specialist.
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