Notice is hereby given that the Council of The Corporation of the City of Thunder Bay, will consider at its meeting to be held on Monday, March 4, 2024, the interests of the following lands as surplus to the City's requirements:

(A108) The City’s interest in the untravelled portion of the street allowance known as Georgina Avenue at Gore Street West (north side) being Part of Georgina Avenue Registered Plan W219, containing an area of 470.92m2 (5068.94ft2) once closed, be sold on the open market at appraised market value.

(C226) The City’s interest in the vacant property located adjacent to 524 High Street south, being Lots 18, 19 and Lot 20, Plan 8, Block 10, Being Parts 13 & 14 on Reference Plan 55R10141 containing an area of 869.90m2 (9363.53ft2), be sold on the open market at appraised market value.

(C227) The City’s interest in the vacant property known as 92 Machar Avenue, being Lots 34-36 on Registered Plan 225 containing an area of 1,247.14m2 (13,424.06ft2), be sold on the open market at appraised market value.

(E98) The City’s interest in the untravelled portion of the street allowance known as Bruce Street at Hull Avenue (north side) being Part of Bruce Street, Registered Plan M25, containing an area of 314.88m2 (3,389.38ft2) once closed, be sold on the open market at appraised market value.

(F100) The City’s interest in the untravelled portion of the street allowance known as Sydney Street at Carl Avenue (south side), being Part of Sydney Street Registered Plan M37, containing an area of 623.87m2 (6,715.29ft2) once closed, be sold on the open market at appraised market value.

(F101) The City’s interest in the untravelled portion of the street allowance known as Windsor Street at Dublin Avenue (north side), being Part of Windsor Street Registered Plan 643, containing an area of 735.30m2 (7,914.68ft2) once closed, be sold on the open market at appraised market value.

(F102) The City’s interest in the untravelled portion of the street allowance known as Windsor Street at Dublin Avenue (south side), being Part of Windsor Street Registered Plan 643, containing an area of 735.30m2 (7,914.68ft2) once closed, be sold on the open market at appraised market value.

(F103) The City’s interest in the untravelled portion of the street allowance known as Windsor Street at Carl Avenue (north side), being Part of Windsor Street Registered Plan M37, containing an area of 637.42m2 (6,861.12ft2) once closed, be sold on the open market at appraised market value.

(F104) The City’s interest in the untravelled portion of the street allowance known as Windsor Street at Strand Avenue (south side), being Part of Windsor Street Registered Plan 643, containing an area of 736.18m2 (7,924.14ft2) once closed, be sold on the open market at appraised market value.

(F105) The City’s interest in the untravelled portion of the street allowance known as as Walkover Street at Carl Avenue (south side), being Part of Walkover Street

Registered Plan M37, containing an area of 626.45m2 (6,743.12ft2) once closed, be sold on the open market at appraised market value.

Please note all site areas referred to herein are approximate. For further information regarding the lands, please contact Lisa Zawadzki of Realty Services at 625-2527, (Fax 625-2977), or visit the Realty Services at Victoriaville Civic Centre, 2nd Floor, 111 Syndicate Avenue South, Thunder Bay, Ontario. Enquiries may be made until the February 29, 2024.

DATED at the City of Thunder Bay, this 14th day of February, 2024.

Krista Power

City Clerk