The Thunder Bay Transportation Master Plan (TMP) is a strategic planning document that will guide the City’s transportation infrastructure investments for the next 20 years and beyond. The TMP recommends a practical, long-term plan for the City’s transportation system to meet the needs of pedestrians, cyclists, transit riders, motorists and goods movement, while enhancing safety and accessibility, promoting sustainability, reducing environmental impacts and supporting economic development.

Also, see the new Active Transportation Plan, which is an action-oriented document intended to chart the network improvements, policies and programs that will encourage and support active transportation over the next 20 years (and beyond). Active transportation includes walking, cycling and other human-powered modes such as wheelchairs, skateboards, scooters, and others.

What is a Transportation Master Plan?

A Transportation Master Plan (TMP) is a long range plan which provides a framework and direction for transportation infrastructure needs across a broad area, such as a city or region. The Master Plan can also act as a visioning exercise which presents the objectives that a municipality wishes to achieve in the coming decades and the supporting policies on which infrastructure decisions are based.

There have been two previous Transportation Master Plans (TMPs) since Thunder Bay was amalgamated in 1970. The first was issued the same year. The second was issued in 1989.

Municipal Class Environmental Process

The Transportation Master Plan study was conducted in accordance with the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (EA) process. The Master Plan fulfills the requirements of Phase 1, identifying and describing problems or opportunities, and Phase 2, identifying, evaluating, and selecting alternative solutions, preparing solutions to the problems, preparing a general inventory of the existing environment, and initial public and stakeholder consultation.

Background reports

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