April 1, 2015 - The City of Thunder Bay today officially declared April as Dig Safe Month, reminding residents and contractors to call to obtain locates before undertaking any project that requires digging.

"Enhancing worker safety and protecting underground infrastructure is crucial," said Mayor Keith Hobbs. "Any of the contractors here today can tell you the importance of obtaining locates prior to breaking ground on any project."

Citizens are encouraged to "Call or Click Before You Dig." Blindly digging in the wrong spot can be very dangerous to anyone working or living in the vicinity, and can cause damage to important, and expensive, underground infrastructure.

"April is the unofficial start of the spring digging season in Ontario," said Enzo Fabiano, Co-Chair of the Thunder Bay Dig Safe Month organizing committee. "It's the perfect time for us to issue this reminder of the importance of safe digging practices for all projects, whether they're being undertaking by homeowners in their back yard, or contractors working on major construction."

Representatives from various contracting and utility companies, including Union Gas, Tbaytel, Shaw and Thunder Bay Hydro were also in attendance.

"We're very happy to see such a good turnout," said Doug Gale, Co-Chair of the Thunder Bay Dig Safe Month organizing committee. "This is an important message - today, we saw that many of our community's largest contractors and utilities are on-board and working together to help this message get out."

Dig Safe Month is an initiative of the Ontario Regional Common Ground Alliance (ORCGA). To obtain locates prior to the start of a project, call 1-800-400-2255 or visit www.ON1Call.com

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Contact: Kris Ketonen, Communications Officer - 474-4810 or kketonen@thunderbay.ca