March 3, 2016 - The Office of the Fire Marshal and Emergency Management (OFMEM) has recognized the City of Thunder Bay for again achieving compliance with the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act and regulations for 2015.

"The safety of our community is paramount," said Mayor Keith Hobbs. "One way to increase that safety is to ensure the City is prepared in case of an emergency and is compliant with the applicable legislation and regulations. Congratulations to our strong leadership team on all of their proactive hard work."

In a letter from the Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services, Operations Manager of Field and Advisory Services Art Booth stated, "You are to be congratulated on your municipality's efforts in achieving compliance in 2015."

"The Act lays out 15 regulations that must be achieved to attain compliance certification including everything from completion of community risk profiles to training and exercising the Municipal Emergency Control Group, to review of critical infrastructure and emergency response plans," said Norm Gale, City Manager.

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Contact: Norm Gale, City Manager, 625-2224 or


Regulations that must be met under the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act to meet municipal compliance:



Community Emergency Management Coordinator (CEMC) appointed (O.Reg.380/04,s.10(1))


CEMC completed the required training (O.Reg.380/04,s.10(2)) and Fire Marshal & Chief, Emergency Management Guidance: 2015-01-08 (O.Reg380/04 Training Requirements)


The Municipality Emergency Management Program Committee met at least once this year (O. Reg. 380/04, s.11 (6))


Current by-law for the municipality's adoption of its emergency management program (EMCPA s. 2.1(1))


Municipal Community Risk Profile reviewed by the Emergency Management Program Committee (EMCPA s. 2.1(3))


Municipality's Emergency Response Plan reviewed and the most current copy submitted to EMO (EMCPA s.3(1), s.3(6) s. 6.2 (1))


Current by-law for the municipality's Emergency Response Plan? (EMCPA s. 3(1))


Municipal Emergency Operations Centre designated (O.Reg.380/04,s.13 (1))


Municipality's EOC communications system deemed to be appropriate (O. Reg. 380/04,s.13 (2))


Municipality's Critical Infrastructure reviewed by the Emergency Management Program Committee (EMCPA s. 2.1 (3))


Four (4) hours of annual municipal training conducted for the Municipal Emergency Control Group, staff and others identified in the ER Plan(EMCPA s.2.1(2), O. Reg. 380/04,s.12 (3))


Municipal annual Exercise for the Municipal Emergency Control Group, staff and others identified in the ER Plan (EMCPA s.2.1(2), O.Reg.380/04 s. 12 (6)) and Fire Marshal & Chief, Emergency Management Guidance: 2015-01-08 (O.Reg380/04 Training Requirements)


Municipal designated employee appointed to act as Emergency Information Officer (O.Reg.380/04, s. 14 (1))


Public Education Strategy completed (EMCPA s. 2.1 (2c))


Municipality's Emergency Management Program Committee conducted an Annual Review of the Program (O.Reg.380/04,s.11 (6)
