September 20, 2016 - The City of Thunder Bay will host a Pre-Budget Consultation on Sept. 27, where the public is invited to learn more and discuss what is important to them.  

"City Council has introduced a new way of engaging citizens in the budget process - one that is open, transparent and accessible," said Councillor Frank Pullia, a Councillor at Large for the City of Thunder Bay and Chair of Committee of the Whole - Administrative Services (including Budget deliberations). "This session will build on the success of our first Pre-Budget Consultation in February on the 2016 Budget, and it's earlier in the process, while Administration is preparing the 2017 Budget."

The Pre-Budget Consultation 2017 will take place on Tuesday, Sept. 27, from 6:30 - 9 pm, at the Thunder Bay 55 Plus Centre Auditorium.

A brief presentation will take place at 6:30 pm followed by an opportunity to visit City Departments and a Priorities Station. At the City Department tables, the public will have an opportunity to ask questions and provide feedback to senior City leadership.  At the Priorities Station, the public will be invited to share input on what is important to them.

"This is a great opportunity for citizens to be involved in the budget process," said Norm Gale, City Manager. "Those in attendance will have the opportunity to talk with senior City Administration from various departments, provide feedback and share their views on what is important to them."

Information gathered at the session will be summarized and presented to City Council at the Public Pre-Budget Deputation Meeting on Tuesday, Nov. 1.

The City of Thunder Bay thanks members of SHIFT Young Professionals Network for their assistance with facilitation at the session.

For more information, or to learn more about the budget process, visit:


Contact: Councillor Frank Pullia, Chair of Administrative Services, 807-630-0062
                Norm Gale, City Manager, 807-625-2224
                Rob Colquhoun, General Manager - Corporate Services & Long Term Care (Acting), 807-625-2241