Notice of Adoption/Passing

City Council adopted Official Plan Amendment No. 14 (By-law 175-2024) and City Council passed a Zoning By-law Amendment By-law 176-2024 on the 17th day of June 2024 at 1000 Fort William Road.

The Official Plan Amendment is exempt from approval by the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing and the decision of Council is final if a notice of appeal is not received on or before the last day for filing a notice of appeal. The last day for filing a notice of appeal is July 8th, 2024.

How to appeal a decision:

Individuals, corporations and public bodies may appeal to the Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT) in respect of the decision by completing the Appeal Form A1 available from the OLT website at and submitting it to the City Clerk no later than the 8th day of July 2024.

Krista Power, City Clerk
City Hall, 500 Donald St. E.
Thunder Bay, ON P7E 5V3

The Appeal Form A1 must set out the reasons for appeal, accompanied by the prescribed fee ($1100.00, certified cheque or money order payable to the Minister of Finance).


Purpose and effect of amendments

The purpose of the Official Plan Amendment No.14 (By-law 175-2024) is to amend the City of Thunder Bay Official Plan, as amended, as it applies to 1000 Fort William Road. Specifically, this Amendment permits a Library on a portion of the subject lands, in addition to the uses permitted within the Commercial, Regional Centre designation.

The effect of this Amendment is to support the zoning regulations required to permit the establishment of a Library within the existing commercial building.

The purpose of By-law Number 176-2024 is to amend the City of Thunder Bay Zoning By-law 1/2022, as amended, as it applies to 1000 Fort William Road. Specifically, this By-law defined “Library” and permits a Library on a portion of the subject lands in addition to the uses already permitted within the Regional Centre (RC) Zone.
The effect of this By-law would be to allow for the establishment of a Library within the existing commercial building.

Official Plan Amendment No. 14 (By-law 175-2024) and By-law Number 176-2024 apply only to the lands described in By-law Numbers 175-2024 and 176-2024. They do not affect any other lands. A key map showing the location of the lands to which these amendments apply is shown below.

The subject lands are not subject to any other application under the Planning Act at this time.