FEBRUARY 21-28, 2021

WHEREAS, Scouts Canada is a Canadian Scouting association providing programs for young people, aged 5-26, within the stated aim “to help develop well rounded youth, better prepared for success in the world.” Scouting is a co-ed program; and

WHEREAS, The City of Thunder Bay citizens support our groups in the various fundraising providing the necessary funds to run the programs. Each fall we have “Apple Day” which provides the funds for the group, and to maintain and run “Grey Wolf Scout Camp”. In the spring we do “Scoutrees” and the youth collect pledges and at the end of May they plant trees. Each year thousands of trees are planted around Thunder Bay and area. Groups also participate in the City of Thunder Bay “Spring Up to Clean Up” each year.

NOW THEREFORE, I, Mayor Bill Mauro, on behalf of Thunder Bay City Council, do hereby proclaim February 21-28, 2021 as “Scout/Guide Week” in the City of Thunder Bay

For any questions or inquiries please contact Scouts Canada - Thunder Bay Area Scouting
