April 1, 2016 - The City of Thunder Bay Roads Division is looking for the public's feedback on the Maintenance Quality and Performance Standards, which set clear guidelines for services to maintain, repair, and replace the City's roads and sidewalks.

The survey results will be considered when the Standards are revised later this summer.

In place since 1989, the current Standards need to be reviewed to ensure that they meet the needs of the community. The public survey represents the first time the City has sought community feedback on various services included in the Standards, such as road and sidewalk maintenance and repair, drainage infrastructure, and winter operations.

"We know that residents consider safe, sustainable, and attractive roads to be an important priority when it comes to municipal investment," said Brad Adams, Manager - Roads Section.

"But over time the needs and expectations of the community may change. This survey will be an excellent opportunity to measure the public's satisfaction with the current level of service provided, and to make improvements where necessary."

The survey will be open until April 30. Print copies are available at City Hall, all branches of Thunder Bay Public Libraries, the Canada Games Complex, the 55 Plus Centre, and municipal daycares.

For more information, to view the Standards, and to complete the survey, visit: thunderbay.ca/roadsurvey

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Contact: Brad Adams, Manager - Roads Section, 684-2408