The information on this page is specific to the Thunder Bay Housing Community Improvement Plan. Visit the Downtown & Core Area Grants page to learn more about the Strategic Core Areas CIP and the grants and funding available through it.

The Thunder Bay Housing Community Improvement Plan allows the City to distribute Housing Accelerator dollars to successful applicants for eligible projects that build Thunder Bay by adding new residential units. 

These dollars will flow through the four activated grant streams: 

Multi-Unit Residential Grant 

The Multi-Unit Residential grant is intended to encourage the creation of well-constructed, sustainable, and safe projects where two or more self-contained units are built.

  • Grant value

    • 100% of eligible costs up to a maximum of $25,000 per unit above the 70% maximum density of the zone

    • The total maximum value per property is up to $300,000

What does "above 70% maximum density of the zone" mean?

  • Most homes in Thunder Bay are within the Urban Low-Rise Zone, which allows up to 6 units per lot. If your lot can support 6 units, you will be eligible to apply for $25,000 per unit above 4.2 units (70% of 6).
  • If you build 5 units, you would be eligible to apply for funding for 0.8 units (5 units subtracted by 4.2 units), which would be $20,000 (0.8 multiplied by $25,000).
  • Find out the zoning of your project by using the interactive zoning map
  • To learn your maximum density, please contact Planning Services at 625-2216 or
 Project eligibility
  • Proposed density must be above 70% of the maximum density of the zone. The units eligible for the grant are only the units created above the 70% density threshold 
  • One of the following costing options must be met:

    • One detailed independent contractor estimate for each component of the proposed eligible work; 

    • Two estimates covering all the components of the eligible work, the lowest of which will be used as a base for the Grant Funding amount; 

    • The building permit construction value, to be confirmed by receipts and paid invoices; or 

    • A detailed materials list, confirmed by receipts and/or paid invoices, for the improvements completed by the property owner 

  • Space and water heating must be electricity-based, or zero emissions, unless the applicant can communicate in writing why they are unable to meet this requirement. Relief of this requirement will be at the discretion of the Community Improvement Plan Implementation Staff. Applicants are encouraged to strive for net-zero or net-zero ready building performance in line with the CIty of Thunder Bay Net-Zero Strategy.

 Eligible costs
  •  Works related to the Ontario Building Code or Fire Code Compliance
    • Structural
    • Electrical
    • Safe egress
    • Ventilation
    • Fire protection, including associated insulation
    • Similar improvements
  • Permanent finishing materials and decorative elements
    • Construction materials
    • Painting
    • Drywall
    • Trim
    • Permanent light fixtures
    • Flooring
    • Countertops
    • Cabinetry
  • Costs for professional studies, plans, or designs
    • Conceptual Plans
    • Structural Analysis
    • Traffic or parking study
    • Site Plan Drawings
    • Environmental Drawings
    • Architectural studies
    • Engineering Plans
    • Interior Design Plans
    • Market Analysis and/or Feasibility Study
    • Other site-specific studies or plans which may be required or recommended by the City at the time of a pre-application submission meeting or pre-consultation under the Planning Act
This grant is paid after the project is complete and final inspect passed per the building permit process.
 Relationship to other grants
 This grant may be supported by the Planning and Building Permit Fee Grant.
Additional Dwelling Units Grant
The Additional Dwelling Unit Grant is intended to encourage home or property owners to add legal additional units to a residential or mixed-use building that are safe and contribute to the limited supply of diverse rental housing. This can be within the building as an apartment, an addition to the building, or a backyard home on the property.


  • 100% of eligible costs to a maximum of $20,000 per unit
 Project eligibility
  •  Residential or mixed-use building located within the designated project area
  • A self-contained additional unit with private kitchen, bathroom, and sleeping area must be created
  • One of the following costing options must be met
    • One detailed independent contractor estimate for each component of the proposed eligible work;
    • Two estimates covering all the components of the eligible work, the lowest of which will be used as a base for the Grant Funding amount;
    • The building permit construction value, to be confirmed by receipts and paid invoices; or
    • A detailed materials list, confirmed by receipts and/or paid invoices, for the improvements completed by the property owner
 Eligible costs
  •  Works related to the Ontario Building Code or Fire Code Compliance
    • Structural
    • Electrical
    • Safe egress
    • Ventilation
    • Fire protection, including associated insulation
    • Similar improvements
  • Permanent finishing materials and decorative elements
    • Construction materials
    • Painting
    • Drywall
    • Trim
    • Permanent light fixtures
    • Flooring
    • Countertops
    • Cabinetry
  • Costs to complete any of the following types of studies, plans, or designs
    • Conceptual plans
    • Structural analysis
    • Site plan drawings
    • Architectural studies
    • Engineering plans
    • Other site-specific studies or plans which may be required or recommended by the City at the time of a pre-application submission meeting or pre-consultation under the Planning Act
  • Costs for the services of a design professional, professional engineer, or architect as may be required in associaion with the above-noted improvements
This grant is paid after the project is complete and final inspect passed per the building permit process.
 Relationship to other grants
This grant may be supported by the Planning and Building Permit Fee Grant and the Servicing Grant.
Planning and Building Fees Grant

The Planning and Building Permit Fees Grant supports development by providing up to $10,000 toward fees for Planning Applications or Building Permit Fees for eligible projects aligning with the intent of the Community Improvement Plan: adding density to the City of Thunder Bay and contributing to a more diverse housing stock by reducing barriers to creating multi-unit residential homes and assisting property owners with creating additional dwelling units.


 Eligible costs
Examples of costs covered by the grant include:
  • City of Thunder Bay Official Plan and Zoning By-Law Amendments;
  • Minor Variance;
  • Consent to Sever;
  • Plan of Condominium;
  • Plan of Subdivision;
  • Site Plan Control;
  • Development Agreements;
  • Building Permits

The grant does not apply to any performance or maintenance guarantees, required professional studies, newspaper notices, or deposits from participation at the Ontario Land Tribunal or Court proceedings.

This grant is paid after the project is complete and final inspect passed per the building permit process.
 Relationship to other grants
It is intended the Planning and Building Permit Fees Grant will support both the Multi-Unit Residential Grant and the Additional Dwelling Unit grant.


 Servicing Grant 

The Servicing Grant provides support to home or property owners participating in the Additional Dwelling Unit Grant where upgrades to municipal servicing such as water, sanitary sewer, and storm sewer are needed to construct the additional unit(s).


  • 100% of eligible costs up to $10,000 where municipal servicing upgrades are needed to support the creation of the additional unit(s)
  • The funds will be applied to work on City-owned lands first, with any remaining funding being used for upgrades on private lands
 Eligible costs
  • Municipal infrastructure work including the improvement or reconstruction of existing on-site public infrastructure required to create the additional unit(s)
    • Water services
    • Sanitary sewer
    • Storm sewer
  • Installation of municipal servicing as directed by the Infrastructure, Development and Operations Department
  • Costs to complete any of the following types of studies, plans, or designs
    • Conceptual plans
    • Structural analysis
    • Site plan drawings
    • Architectural studies
    • Engineering plans
    • Other site-specific studies or plans which may be required or recommended by the City at the time of a pre-application submission meeting or pre-consultation under the Planning Act
  • Costs for the services of a design professional, professional engineer, or architect as may be required in association with the above-noted improvements
 Relationship to other grants
 This grant is intended to support the Additional Dwelling Unit grant.
This grant is paid after the project is complete and final inspect passed per the building permit process.

Grant Eligibility

All grants in the Housing Community Improvement Plan must meet the general eligibility criteria below.

General eligibility criteria

To find out if your project is within the eligible Project Area, search your project address in our Housing Community Improvement Plans Map 

  • If your project is within one of the Strategic Core Areas, your project is eligible for either the Construction Assistance Grant or the Housing Community Improvement Plan Grant related to your project.

Multi-Unit Residential Grant Application Scorecard

Applications for the Multi-Unit Residential Grant will be accepted on an intake basis. All applications will be evaluated using the Scorecard.

Criteria Category


Points Available

Max Score

General Eligibility 

Application form complete 

Yes or No 

Yes or No 

General Eligibility 

No outstanding property tax arrears or other outstanding City obligation on the subject property 

Yes or No 

Yes or No 

General Eligibility 

All other funding sources disclosed 

Yes or No 

Yes or No 

General Eligibility 

Detailed costing provided through one of : 1 detailed independent contractor estimate for each component of the proposed eligible work; 2 estimates covering all the components of the eligible work; the building permit construction value; or, a detailed materials list for a DIY  

Yes or No 

Yes or No 


Project less than 80% maximum lot density 



Project between 80 - 90% maximum lot density 




Project between 90 - 100% maximum lot density 



Homes Provided 

Project results in a gain of less than 4 units 


Homes Provided 

Project results in the creation of 5-10 units 



Homes Provided 

Project results in the creation of greater than 10 housing units 



Development Status 

Draft site plan/building design provided and requires planning approvals to proceed 


Development Status 

Draft site plan/building design provided and shows compliance with the Zoning By-Law, any required planning approvals have been granted and closed 



Development Status 

Draft site plan/building design provided and shows compliance with the Zoning By-Law, any required planning approvals have been granted and closed, and demonstrates high quality urban design, landscaping and architecture 




No purpose-built units rented at or below an affordable rate based on the 60th income percentile 



At least 1 purpose-built unit rented at or below an affordable rate based on the 60th income percentile 



Energy Efficiency 

Does not meet minimum of space and water heating from low/no-carbon sources - documented rationale provided 


Energy Efficiency 

Meets the minimum of space and water heating from low/no-carbon sources 



Energy Efficiency 

Exceeds the minimum of space and water heating from low/no-carbon sources (The building net-zero/net-zero ready) 




Project greater than 1000m from transit, active transportation infrastructure, and/or parks  


Project within 500-1000m of transit, active transportation infrastructure, and/or parks 


Project within 500m of transit, active transportation infrastructure, and/or parks 


Project does not contain any units that exceed accessibility requirements in the Ontario Building Code 




Project contains at least 1 unit that exceeds accessibility requirements in the Ontario Building Code 




Project contains greater than 1 unit that exceeds accessibility requirements in the Ontario Building Code 



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