Proclamations help to create a public awareness of special events and are intended for the betterment of the community. Occasionally the City receives requests from organizations or internal departments to declare or proclaim certain dates for specific causes (e.g. Race Relations Week, International Women's Day, etc.). A proclamation may be issued for a day, a week or a month.

Requesting a proclamation

The City's policy states that proclamations are undertaken only on matters that relate directly to the specific operations of the municipality. Once reviewed and approved the Proclamation will be posted on the City website.

Proclamation requests must be sent to the Office of the City Clerk three weeks prior to the special occasion. Return the completed form to:

Office of the City Clerk Attn: Proclamations
500 Donald Street East, First Floor
Thunder Bay, ON, P7E 5V3

Fax: 807-625-2233

If you are requesting a proclamation for the first time, please provide details on your organization and the relevance of the proclamation to the City of Thunder Bay. As well, please provide a draft of the proclamation. The Office of the City Clerk reserves the right to edit the proclamation to ensure proper format and grammar.

 *Please remember to fill out the "Invite the Mayor" request form if you are looking to have the Mayor attend your ceremony/event. 



Select a Date Range

Child Abuse Prevention Month

Posted on Tuesday, October 01, 2019 04:00 AM


WHEREAS, October is Child Abuse Prevention Month in Thunder Bay, a time dedicated to raising awareness and helping to prevent abuse of children; and

WHEREAS, the month raises awareness of child abuse prevention issues by making people more aware of the signs of child abuse, encouraging more people to report child abuse; and

WHEREAS, Dilico Anishinabek Family Care and The Children’s Aid Society of The District of Thunder Bay would like to remind the community that we are all responsible...

Mark it Read for Dyslexia Month

Posted on Friday, September 27, 2019 06:15 AM


WHEREAS, the month of October is recognized as Dyslexia Awareness Month in many countries, cities and organizations; and

WHEREAS, Dyslexia Canada is a national non-profit which aims to create dyslexia awareness; and

WHEREAS, Proclaiming October as Dyslexia Awareness Month in Thunder Bay will raise awareness and support for children with dyslexia in our community.

NOW THEREFORE, I, Bill Mauro, Mayor of the City of Thunder Bay, do hereby proclaim October as Dyslexia Awareness Month in the...

Franco-Ontarian Day

Posted on Wednesday, September 25, 2019 04:00 AM

September 25, 2019

WHEREAS, in May 18th, 2010, the Legislative Assembly of Ontario enacted the Franco-Ontarian Day Act, 2010 proclaiming September 25 in each year as the Franco-Ontarian Day; and

WHEREAS, the Franco-Ontarian Day Act recognizes that Franco-Ontarians commemorate September 25 to celebrate their language and heritage and also take pride in their collective accomplishments.  September 25 is the anniversary of the first unveiling of the Franco-Ontarian flag in Sudbury in 1975; the Franco-Ontarian...

Dementia Friendly Day

Posted on Saturday, September 21, 2019 04:30 AM

SEPTEMBER 21, 2018

WHEREAS, one in four individuals living with dementia cited stigma as a reason to conceal their diagnosis. Due to our aging population, someone will develop dementia every 65 seconds and the number of Canadians living with dementia will double in the next 15 years.

WHEREAS, this year, residents are being asked to wear blue and white to show their support for Dementia Friendly Communities, bolster awareness and reduce stigma about this disease. These communities ensure those living...

National Coaches Week

Posted on Saturday, September 21, 2019 04:30 AM

SEPTEMBER 21-29, 2019

WHEREAS, The City of Thunder Bay recognizes the tremendous positive impact coaches have on athletes and communities; and

WHEREAS, the purpose of National Coaches Week is to provide the 300,000 coaches who call Thunder Bay and Ontario home with the resources, representation, and recognition they deserve for the time they devote to ensuring Canadians live an active and healthy lifestyle; and

WHEREAS, a number of great coaches live and volunteer here and we celebrate their commitments...