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What is Treaties Recognition Week?
Treaties Recognition Week takes place on the first week of November every year. Treaties Recognition week was introduced by the Ontario government in 2016 to honor the importance of treaties and to help Ontarians learn more about treaty rights and treaty relationships.
To honour Treaties Recognition Week for the City of Thunder Bay, residents are encouraged to join in the week of activities which present opportunities for learning and reflection on an important part of Canada’s history and to continue to honour existing treaty relationships.
Learn more about Treaties in Ontario (plain text accessible document also available).
How can I support Treaties Recognition Week?
Consider hosting a Treaties Recognition Week event for your staff or clients. Videos and discussion guides are available at Videos: Indigenous voices on
Have your organization follow the Ministry of Indigenous Affairs social media accounts and amplify Treaties Recognition Week content. Join the conversation using #TreatyON
Visit and use the interactive digital treaty map to locate where you live, work, or study. You’ll find other useful treaty resources on the Teaching and Learning Resources page.
Promote Treaties Recognition Week through your internal and external communications channels, such as newsletters, virtual or in-person events, blogs and web pages.
Where can I learn more about Treaties?
The Ontario Ministry of Indigenous Affairs offers a variety of online tools with learning resources and invites the public to join the conversation happening across Ontario on social media. Find more events and activities across the province.
Find an assortment of educational resources on treaties on Anishinabek Nation’s website.
Goodminds has put together a great reading list of treaty education resources available for purchase in English and French and for a variety of audiences.
Past events for Treaties Recognition Week
Treaties Recognition Week 2021 |
The City of Thunder Bay invites the public to participate in Treaties Recognition Week Nov 1-7, as we collectively join other municipalities across the province in expressing our humility and gratitude to the original peoples, by honouring and acknowledging the sacrifices that were made to facilitate treaty settlements across the province, especially to the Ojibwa of Fort William First Nation signatory to the Robinson-Superior Treaty of 1850, as well as for the contributions that were made by the Métis peoples. Reconciliation requires active participation from everyone. Please join us in honouring this week by attending a variety of virtual events and online learning happening throughout the week to learn more about our shared history of treaties and experiences of Indigenous peoples and why treaties should matter to all Ontarians. Lakehead University Treaty Recognition Week activitiesJoin Lakehead University's Office of Indigenous Initiatives for Treaties Recognition Week starting on November 1, 2021 to November 5, 2021. After registering for the session, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. Opening Ceremony with Guest Speaker Dr. Gina Starblanket: Land Law TreatiesMonday, November 1, 2021 - 12:30pm to 2:00pm EST, via zoom About the speaker: Gina Starblanket is an Associate Professor in Indigenous Governance at the University of Victoria and is the former Canada Research Chair in the Politics of Decolonization at the University of Calgary. Gina is Cree and Saulteaux and a member of the Star Blanket Cree Nation in Treaty 4 territory. She is the Principal Investigator of the Prairie Indigenous Relationality Network, and her research takes up questions of treaty implementation, prairie Indigenous life, gender and Indigenous feminism. Anishinabek Treaty responsibility to the Land with Nicole Richmond JDTuesday, November 2, 2021 - 12:00pm to 1:00pm EST, via zoom Land sharing Treaties between the Crown and Indigenous people are international treaties. But Anishinabek people also have treaty relationships with the Earth and other beings within Creation. This presentation will explore the Anishinabek treaty ethic of shared responsibility, relationality and respecting the agency of other beings within Creation. About the speaker: Nicole is an Anishinaabe (Ojibway) lawyer, wellness consultant and educator from Biigtigong Nishnaabeg and lives in Thunder Bay. Nicole works with clients to support and empower Anishnaabe values, legal systems and governments, and is a frequent presenter on topics including Anishnaabe law and Canadian law as it applies to Indigenous people.
Living Indigenous governance through understanding and implementing treaty relationships with Aimée CraftWednesday, November 3, 2021 - 12:00pm to 1:00pm EST, via zoom The presentation will review elements of Indigenous laws and governance that were part of Treaty making and that continue to inform how we understand and implement treaties today. Panel Discussion - Robinson Huron Treaty 1850 - Annuities Case with Tenielle Brown (Moderator), Dean Sayers (Chief of Batchewana First Nation), Mike Restoule (Nipissing First Nation), Christopher Albinati Thursday, November 4, 2021 - 12:00pm to 1:30pm EST, via Zoom Treaties Recognition Week Closing Ceremonies: Speaker to be announced.Friday, November 5, 2021 - 12:00pm to 1:00pm EST, via Zoom Check back on Lakehead University's Office of Indigenous Initiatives events page for updated information. Ministry of Northern Affairs Virtual Living Library EventsJoin the Ministry of Northern Affairs Virtual Living Library events for an opportunity to listen and learn from Indigenous Elders and Knowledge Keepers as they share their experience and perspectives around treaties. Treaties Recognition Week provides opportunities for the city to help build treaty awareness and understanding of the roles treaties play in our lives and how they form the healthy relationships between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people which is an important step towards reconciliation. The City of Thunder Bay invites you to register for one of the virtual events listed below. Events are offered in English only. Treaties and the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Calls to ActionRecommended for: Secondary and postsecondary students and the public. Join Dr. Cynthia Wesley-Esquimaux for an interactive conversation around treaties, their connection to the Truth and Reconciliation’s Calls to Action and the types of practical, actionable steps we can all take to help advance reconciliation. About Dr. Wesley-Esquimaux: Dr. Cynthia Wesley-Esquimaux served as Vice Provost for Aboriginal Initiatives at Lakehead University for three years and was appointed the Chair for Truth and Reconciliation in 2016. She is an Honourary Witness and Chair of the Governing Circle for the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation at the University of Manitoba. She is a member and resident of the Chippewa of Georgina Island First Nation in Ontario and has dedicated her life to building bridges of understanding between peoples.
Treaties, Environment and Land: A funny story of sustainability with ONE bowl, ONE spoon and a whole lot of POPCORN!Recommended for: Elementary students from Kindergarten - Grade 6. All ages are welcome to attend! Date: November 2, 2021 Time: 10:30 – 11:30 a.m. There was a time when people and animals knew that we should only take enough food and water for our own personal needs. For if we took more food and water then we needed, there may not be enough for us tomorrow. Discover how Rabbit, Bear Paws and the Animals come to this agreement, to save the food and water for tomorrow. With ONE bowl ONE spoon and a whole lot of POPCORN. Please join us for a comical, educational and highly interactive puppet presentation. About Rabbit and Bear Paws: The Adventures of Rabbit and Bear Paws is a graphic novel series for the young and the young at heart. The stories are set in colonized North America during the 1750s and feature the comical adventures of two brothers, Rabbit and Bear Paws, with traditional teachings sprinkled throughout. Learn more about Rabbit and Bear Paws.
Trick or Treaty?: Partnership event with Nipissing University’s Indigenous Initiatives Office featuring Maurice SwitzerRecommended for: Secondary and postsecondary students and the public. The peaceful settlement of Canada was made possible when Indigenous peoples agreed to share with European settlers the lands they had occupied since time immemorial because of promises made in treaty agreements. Despite being recognized and affirmed in Canada’s Constitution Act of 1982, and by numerous Supreme Court decisions, provincial and federal governments routinely ignore these underpinnings of Canada’s rule of law. About Maurice Switzer: Maurice Switzer, Bnesi, is a citizen of the Mississaugas of Alderville First Nation. He currently serves as chair of the Nipissing University Indigenous Council on Education and president of the North Bay Indigenous Friendship Centre. He has been a member of the Ontario Human Rights Commission, an adjunct professor of communications and Indigenous studies on the Laurentian University campus, and publisher of three Canadian daily newspapers, including the Winnipeg Free Press. He is the author of the graphic novel "We are all Treaty People", of which 15,000 copies are in circulation
Red, Right and True: An Indigenous WorldviewRecommended for: Secondary and postsecondary students and the public. Elder Dr. Duke Redbird walks us through the historical prevarications of the past and introduces us to a new worldview presented through an Indigenous Lens. About Dr. Duke Redbird: Dr. Duke Redbird is an elder, poet, activist, educator, and artist. He holds a Master's degree from York University and received an Honorary Doctorate from the Ontario College of Art and Design (OCAD) University in 2013. He occupies the position as Elder with the following organizations: Myseum Toronto, The Toronto Biennial, Summer Works, the Toronto Arts Council's Banff Leaders Lab, and is Artist in Residence with the Urban Indigenous Education Centre at the Toronto District School Board. *Please Note: The Treaties Recognition Week virtual library events will be hosted on the Teams Live platform. If you don’t currently use Microsoft Teams, you will need to download the app prior to joining the event. Information on how to do this is provided on the event registration page. |
Treaties Recognition Week 2020 |
The City honoured Treaties Recognition Week: Nov. 2 – 6, 2020
Tuesday, November 3, 2020 marked an important day in History during Treaties Recognition Week for the City of Thunder Bay, a plaque was permanently installed in the lobby of City Hall recognizing the Robinson-Superior Treaty. The sign reflects the City of Thunder Bay’s commitment in continuing to foster respectful relations and work with Indigenous partners, promoting a better future for everyone in the city.
Treaties Recognition Week activitiesNov 2, 2020 Anishinabek Nation hosted a Treaties Recognition Week News Conference on Nov 2, 2020, at 9:00am Eastern Time. Lakehead University Indigenous Initiatives conducted an Opening Ceremony with guest speaker Ryan McMahon at 11:00 a.m. Elder Gerry Martin opened the Ceremony with welcoming remarks from President Moira McPherson, Chief Ted Williams Chippewas of Rama First Nation, and Chief Peter Collins of Fort William First Nation.
Nov 3, 2020 If you are interested in learning more about treaties personally, or are a parent/caregiver, or educator, Anishinabek Nation has two great tool kits that will help enhance knowledge and engagement and open up a safe space for conversations. Anishinabek Nation: Gdoo-Sastamoo Kii Mi Treaty Education Kit Anishinabek Nation: We Are All Treaty People Teachers Kit Also on Nov. 3, Lakehead University screened Solidarity with the Mi’kmaq Is the Crown at War with us? Followed by an Open Forum with Dr. Lana Ray & LUNSA President, and Matthew Bombardier. Shortly after the film screening the University held: Our Language is Written on the Land with Elder Shelley Mandawkwe Charles.
Nov 4, 2020 The National Film Board of Canada has an array of films and documentary’s regarding the history of treaties and various signings. Trick or Treaty? Is a powerful film that portrays one community’s attempts to enforce their treaty rights and protect their lands, while also revealing the complexities of existing treaty agreements. Trick or Treaty? Watch more films on the National Film Board of Canada’s Website. A Global Indigenous Speaker Series was hosted by Lakehead University Indigenous Initiatives Nov. 4, 2020, with a lecture from Dr. Wendy Smythe Díi Hlanggwáay tla k_íiya ‘la áaygaagang: Fostering Inclusive Research and Education Practices From K-12 to Funding Agencies.
Nov 5, 2020 Cora-Lee McGuire-Cyrette is Executive Director of the Ontario Native Women’s Association. Cora spoke about the signing of Robinson-Superior Treaty of 1850. Indigenous Voices of Treaties: Cora-Lee McGuire-Cyrette Watch more videos on Indigenous voices on treaties on the Government of Ontario’s Website. On Nov 5, 2020, Lakehead University offered An Introduction to Crown-Indigenous Treaties and Treaty Law in Canada where there was a lecture and question period with Robert Hamilton, Assistant Professor at the University of Calgary Faculty of Law.
Nov. 6, 2020 The Ministry of Indigenous Affairs coordinated a virtual living library event We Are All Treaty People on Nov. 6, 2020. This event featured Robert Greene and Maurice Switzer and was moderated by Bob Goulais. It included a one-hour panel discussion followed by a 30-minute interactive question and answer session. Lakehead University Indigenous Initiatives Office offered the session: What Treaties & Right Relations offer Canadians on Nov. 6, 2020, with Dr. Cynthia Wesley-Esquimaux, Chair Truth & Reconciliation. |
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