We are currently accepting applications from those individuals that are interested in serving as a member of the
Multi-Sport Games Advisory Committee (MSGAC).
Applications due August 19, 2024
The MSGAC will provide advice and input to the City's Recreation & Culture Division regarding the review and analysis of multi-sport Games hosting opportunities as indicated in the Sports Tourism Events & Activities Policy approved by Council in December 2008.
Scope of Work
- Review and evaluate various multi-sport Games hosting opportunities which require the Municipality to bid upon or support/endorse;
- Provide recommendations to the Recreation & Culture Division regarding Thunder Bay’s capacity and ability to successfully host various multi-sport Games;
- Provide advice and recommendations regarding the facility needs and development required to host multi-sport events;
- Help facilitate dialogue with and among stakeholders;
- Inform the Recreation & Culture Division of relevant issues, trends, or opportunities;
- Provide advice and assistance regarding the formation of committees to bid for and host selected games
Applicants must be 18 years of age or older and be a resident of Thunder Bay.
For more information about the Committee (Terms of Reference) and the Application Form, click here.
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