Read the latest news from Thunder Bay Fire Rescue.

Cold Water and Ice Warning
Posted on Wednesday, November 21, 2018 04:15 AM
With the winter weather now upon us, Thunder Bay Fire Rescue is encouraging parents, guardians and teachers to speak to their children about the dangers of walking on ice-covered bodies of water and the risk of injury or death associated with exposure to freezing cold water.
Ice conditions throughout the winter should always be considered dangerous, but they are especially dangerous early in the season as thick ice has not yet formed. River banks and icy shorelines should also be avoided, as they...

Fire Chief Concerned Over Recent Fire Deaths
Posted on Wednesday, November 14, 2018 04:30 AM
In less than a three-week period, Thunder Bay Fire Rescue had four fire deaths as a result of three separate fire incidents. The first death occurred on October 15 in a fire at a town house on Trillium Way, the second and third death resulted from a mobile home fire on October 28 on Taylor Drive, and the most recent fire death occurred in a house fire on November 3 on Walkover St. The four recent fire deaths are the first since 2012 for the City of Thunder Bay. In response to these tragic fire deaths,...

Ticket Issued to Business for Not Maintaining Extinguisher Maintenance Records
Posted on Wednesday, November 07, 2018 05:15 AM
A Fort William Road business was issued a ticket from Thunder Bay Fire Rescue this week for failing to maintain extinguisher maintenance records. The ticket carried a fine of $235 stemming from a business license inspection done by Thunder Bay Fire Rescue. Businesses are responsible for keeping maintenance records for each portable fire extinguisher they have.
“Other fire code violations were noted at this business, and inspection orders were issued to correct them,” said Division Chief of Fire Prevention...

Thunder Bay Fire Rescue Receives Donation from Union Gas
Posted on Tuesday, November 06, 2018 08:30 AM
Thunder Bay Fire Rescue received a $2000 donation of combination smoke/carbon monoxide (CO) alarms today from Union Gas. The donation provided Thunder Bay Fire Rescue with 54 combination smoke/CO alarms.
Thunder Bay Fire Rescue plans to use the alarms for its Smoke/CO Alarms For Everyone (SAFE) program. SAFE is an assistance-based program geared towards local homeowners who require assistance with the acquisition or installation of smoke and carbon monoxide (CO) alarms. The SAFE program was originally...

Fatal Walkover St Fire under Investigation
Posted on Monday, November 05, 2018 07:30 AM
A fire investigation is underway to determine the origin and cause of a fire at 11 Walkover St, which sent one person to hospital who later passed away from injuries. The fire investigation is being conducted by Thunder Bay Fire Rescue with an investigator from the Office of the Fire Marshal.
Fire crews responded to a report of smoke coming from the residence on the afternoon of Saturday, Nov. 3, 2018. They arrived to find a smoke-filled home, and upon entry, found a serious, but extinguished, fire...
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