Proclamations help to create a public awareness of special events and are intended for the betterment of the community. Occasionally the City receives requests from organizations or internal departments to declare or proclaim certain dates for specific causes (e.g. Race Relations Week, International Women's Day, etc.). A proclamation may be issued for a day, a week or a month.

Requesting a proclamation

The City's policy states that proclamations are undertaken only on matters that relate directly to the specific operations of the municipality. Once reviewed and approved the Proclamation will be posted on the City website.

Proclamation Application

Proclamation requests must be sent to the Office of the City Clerk three weeks prior to the special occasion. Return the completed form to:

Office of the City Clerk Attn: Proclamations
500 Donald Street East, First Floor
Thunder Bay, ON, P7E 5V3

Fax: 807-625-2233

If you are requesting a proclamation for the first time, please provide details on your organization and the relevance of the proclamation to the City of Thunder Bay. As well, please provide a draft of the proclamation. The Office of the City Clerk reserves the right to edit the proclamation to ensure proper format and grammar.

 *Please remember to fill out the "Invite the Mayor" request form if you are looking to have the Mayor attend your ceremony/event. 



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VON Week 2023

Posted on Friday, May 19, 2023 08:00 AM

MAY 21-27, 2023

WHEREAS, The Victorian Order of Nurses for Canada is a charitable community-based health care organization that has addressed community health and social needs for over 125 years; and

WHEREAS, VON Thunder Bay nurses, home support workers, community service coordinators and many other staff and volunteers have been caring for the lives and well-being of residents of Thunder Bay and District since 1944 (and before) and VON’s nursing, health promotion and support services make a...

World IBD Day 2023

Posted on Friday, May 19, 2023 08:00 AM

City hall lights are purple for IBD Day 2023

For more information please see and

World Press Freedom Day 2023

Posted on Wednesday, May 03, 2023 08:00 AM

MAY 3, 2023

WHEREAS, a healthy, professional news media is essential for the proper functioning of civil society and democracy at the local, regional, federal and international levels; and

WHEREAS, UNESCO notes that press freedom is a keystone in enabling freedom of expression, (WPFD concept note p.3); and

WHEREAS, according to Canada’s federal governments Canadian Heritage department, from 2008 to August 2021, almost 450 news outlets have closed, with nearly 63 of those closures happening since...

Food Allergy Awareness Month 2023

Posted on Monday, May 01, 2023 08:00 AM

MAY 2023

WHEREAS, Food Allergy Awareness Month was established as a national month of encouraging food allergy awareness and supporting those who are impacted by food allergy and anaphylaxis; and

WHEREAS, Food allergy affects over 3 million Canadians, including approximately 500,000 children; and

WHEREAS, a food allergy is an immune system response to a food the body mistakenly believes is harmful. When a person with food allergy eats the food, his or her immune system releases massive amounts of...

Jewish Heritage Month 2023

Posted on Monday, May 01, 2023 08:00 AM

MAY, 2023

WHEREAS, there is a historic Jewish population in the City of Thunder Bay and this population reflects the rich and varied history of the Jewish people. Comprising a population tracing its origins to many different parts of the world, and embracing the many different traditions and practices within Judaism;

WHEREAS, Statistics Canada notes that the Jewish population in the country is approximately 400,000 people, more than 1% of the total Canadian population, making it the...