If you see a pothole on a Thunder Bay street, report it online or give us call at 807-625-2195. The time to repair can vary, but if it's on a busy street, we will prioritize it to repair it as quickly as we can. High-traffic roads often have more potholes than other roads due to the weight and volume of traffic.

Report A Pothole

Pothole repair

Normal winter weather fluctuations in Northwestern Ontario create perfect conditions for spring pothole formation. Our Roads Division takes steps to quickly repair potholes. Roads today are being designed to reduce their moisture capacity, and researchers have been developing better, more durable pavement. Cold-patch asphalt is also being improved to last longer.

In cold weather

In the winter, we make repairs using a modified cold-patch asphalt. The modified cold-patch displaces any moisture in the pothole, speeding up the repair process.

In warmer weather

We use hot asphalt and compaction rollers to seal up shallow potholes and cracks in road pavement. This helps to stop potholes from forming in the spring.

Why do potholes form?

  • Moisture seeps into the pavement and sub-base, freezes, expands, and then thaws.
  • The freeze and thaw cycle weakens the pavement.
  • Traffic loosens the pavement even more.
  • Pavement crumbles and pops out.

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