Superior North Emergency Medical Services (EMS) operations include those aspects of the organization that deliver emergency medical service to people. 

Most importantly are the 210 paramedics lead by a team of superintendents and deputy chiefs.  These paramedics respond to more than 40,000 calls per year and make contact with one out of every six people in the District annually. Highly qualified and well trained, these paramedics assess, treat, and transport patients using the latest technology and most up-to-date medical protocols. They have an impact on tens of thousands of people and their families every year.

Paramedics use more than 36 ambulances and six paramedic response units to respond to calls. Along with more mundane equipment, they use specialized diagnostic equipment such as defibrillators to help people in distress. Each ambulance and its associated equipment is worth more than $150,000.  

Paramedics use vehicle based and portable VHF radios to maintain contact with the dispatch centre and with the medical director out of the Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre. All medical records created by paramedics are electronic. Paramedics use tablets in the field to create documents, which are then stored in an electronic database for ease of access by other medical professionals when required and for research and quality assurance purposes.

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