Proclamations help to create a public awareness of special events and are intended for the betterment of the community. Occasionally the City receives requests from organizations or internal departments to declare or proclaim certain dates for specific causes (e.g. Race Relations Week, International Women's Day, etc.). A proclamation may be issued for a day, a week or a month.

Requesting a proclamation

The City's policy states that proclamations are undertaken only on matters that relate directly to the specific operations of the municipality. Once reviewed and approved the Proclamation will be posted on the City website.

Proclamation Application

Proclamation requests must be sent to the Office of the City Clerk three weeks prior to the special occasion. Return the completed form to:

Office of the City Clerk Attn: Proclamations
500 Donald Street East, First Floor
Thunder Bay, ON, P7E 5V3

Fax: 807-625-2233

If you are requesting a proclamation for the first time, please provide details on your organization and the relevance of the proclamation to the City of Thunder Bay. As well, please provide a draft of the proclamation. The Office of the City Clerk reserves the right to edit the proclamation to ensure proper format and grammar.

 *Please remember to fill out the "Invite the Mayor" request form if you are looking to have the Mayor attend your ceremony/event. 



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Merchant Marines

Posted on Friday, September 03, 2021 04:00 AM

The Merchant Marine flag will be raised Friday September 3rd for National Merchant Seaman Day for any questions/concerns please contact the Merchant Marines


Polycystic Kidney Disease Awareness Month

Posted on Friday, September 03, 2021 04:00 AM


WHEREAS, Polycystic kidney disease (PKD) causes abnormal cysts to develop and grow in the kidneys and the enlargement of cysts causes kidney function to decline. It equally affects men, women and children – regardless of geography or ethnic origin; and

WHEREAS, the PKD Foundation of Canada is the only national charitable organization dedicated to fighting PKD, a progressive, life-threatening genetic disease, through programs of research, advocacy, education, support and awareness...

Prostate Cancer Awareness Month

Posted on Wednesday, September 01, 2021 04:00 AM


WHEREAS, prostate cancer is the most common cancer among Canadian men; and

WHEREAS, 1 in 9 Canadian men will be diagnosed with the disease; and

WHEREAS, an estimated average of 11 Canadian men die from prostate cancer every day; and

WHEREAS, the survival rate for prostate cancer is close to 100% when detected early, but 3 of 4 men will die when found late; and

WHEREAS, those with a family history of the disease are at a greater risk; and

WHEREAS, awareness and conversations about prostate...

Chippewa Park Day

Posted on Monday, July 12, 2021 04:00 AM

JULY 15, 2021

WHEREAS, on July 15, 2021, Chippewa Park will officially be 100 years old; and

WHEREAS, prior to the official opening, the park was named “Chippewa” to acknowledge the original inhabitants of the land; and

WHEREAS, on July 15, 1921, the Mayor of Fort William, Albert Huge “A.H.” Dennis, presided over the official opening of the park; and

WHEREAS, for the last 100 years the Park has become the go-to place for residents and tourists alike, and as its features and services evolved...

100th Anniversary of the Poppy

Posted on Friday, July 02, 2021 04:00 AM

JULY 4, 2021

WHEREAS, The Poppy is the National Symbol of Remembrance worn by hundreds of thousands of Canadians every year on Remembrance Day, November 11th ; and

WHEREAS, The Great War Veterans’ Association, a forerunner to The Royal Canadian Legion, held its convention at the Prince Arthur Hotel, Port Arthur Ontario, July 4,5, and 6, 1921; and

WHEREAS, Madame Anna Guerin, The French Poppy Lady, proposed the convention delegates adopt the Poppy as the symbol of Remembrance;

WHEREAS, The delegates at...